§ On the motion of earl Grey, Lord Sidmouth's Circular Letter to the lord lieutenants was ordered to be printed.
§ Earl Greythen observed, that he understood the noble viscount had on a former evening stated his readiness to produce the opinion of the law officers referred to in the Circular, but objected to the production of the case laid before them. As he was desirous to obtain upon this subject all he could get, he should now move for the opinion. He still thought it would be of great importance to have the case that was referred to the law officers, in order that it might be seen what the nature of the doubt was that had arisen, or what circumstances had induced the noble secretary of state to ask the opinion of the law officers. He should, however, reserve himself until the production of the Opinion with regard to any future motions as to whether he might consider it necessary to move for the case, or whether he should decide upon at once giving notice, so as to bring the whole question into discussion. The noble earl concluded by moving for the Opinion of the law officers, referred to in lord Sidmouth's Circular Letter to the lord lieutenants, which were ordered.