HL Deb 11 May 1814 vol 27 c819

The Earl of Liverpool next moved the order of the day, for the consideration of the Prince Regent's Message relative to lord Hill.

The Message having been read,

The Earl of Liverpool

observed shortly, that sir Rowland, now lord Hill, had borne a distinguished command under the duke of Wellington during the whole of the operations in the peninsula. His conduct had invariably received the high approbation of that illustrious commander, and had equally ensured him the love and respect of the whole army. To him, in case any separate operation was to be carried on, lord. Wellington was in the constant habit of entrusting the command, as an officer in whom he placed the most entire confidence. His lordship concluded by moving an Address to the Prince Regent, concurring in the object of the Message, for making a provision for lord Hill; which was agreed to, nem. dis.