HL Deb 19 February 1813 vol 24 cc649-50
Lord Kenyon

moved for a Return of those Roman Catholics who, during the last ten years, had taken the Oaths, and subscribed the Declaration prescribed by the 31st Geo. 3. His lordship observed, that the Catholics having stated as a reason why further indulgences should be granted to them, their having numerously taken the Oaths and subscribed the Declaration, he wished to ascertain the number who had so done, not with any disposition to question their loyalty, believing that his Majesty had not a more loyal class of subjects, but for the purpose of information.

Lord Holland

suggested the propriety of extending the motion to Ireland, with respect to the oaths taken under the 33d Geo. 3. He wished to know also whether the object of the noble lord's motion was a return of those who had taken the oaths with a view to a qualification, or those who had voluntarily taken them?

Lord Kenyon

had no objection to the motion suggested respecting Ireland. His present object was a return of those who had spontaneously taken the oaths.

The Earl of Radnor

observed, that the returns were made to the privy council, and suggested therefore an alteration in the motion.

Lord Redesdale

read the clause in the Act by which the returns were to be made to the privy council previous to the 25th of December in each year, and observed that chiefly those Catholics took the oaths who possessed property, or who, for other purposes, sought the qualification which the taking the oaths conferred.

The motion was then agreed to.