HL Deb 08 February 1813 vol 24 cc394-5

A Petition against the Catholic Claims was presented from the dean and chapter of Carlisle. A similar Petition from Chester was presented by the bishop of Chester, who also presented one from the magistrates, clergy, and inhabitants, of Bolton le Moors, in Lancashire, which his lordship stated to be signed by 6,000 persons, amongst whom were several dissenting ministers, and one from the archdeacon and clergy of Winchester. A Petition to the same effect from the gentry, clergy, and freeholders, of the county of Flint, was presented by lord Kenyon, who stated that it had been agreed upon at a numerous county meeting nearly unanimously, only two persons dissenting from it, and that it was signed by 4,000 persons. His lordship also presented a similar Petition from the aldermen, burgesses, and inhabitants of the borough of Flint; a Petition to the same effect from the corporation and inhabitants of St. Albans was also presented by viscount Grimston; and a similar Petition from certain freeholders and inhabitants of the county of Oxford, by the bishop of Oxford. These several Petitions were read and ordered to lie on the table.