Lord Hollandadverted to the notice he had given for the production of the Correspondence relative to the Mission of captain Henry, and observed, that be had conceived that ministers, if they were not themselves solicitous to lay the correspondence upon the table, would at least not oppose a motion for the production of it. Since he came into the House, however, he had heard with considerable surprise that it was their intention to oppose the motion; he was the more surprised at this, it being a subject in which the public look a deep interest, and respecting which it appeared essential to ministers themselves to produce the correspondence. His motion would be for copies of the correspondence between sir James Craig and the Secretary of State, relative to the mission of captain Henry, the correspondence with sir George Prevost relative to the same subject, and the letters from the Secretary of State to sir George Prevost, relative to the compensation claimed by captain Henry. As this motion was, he now understood, to be opposed, he should not bring it forward to night, other business standing for discussion, but should fix it for Tuesday. On the latter day, a motion of a noble friend of his also stood for a committee of the whole House, to enquire respecting the distresses of the manufacturers, in consequence of the operation of the Orders in Council; but as the committee had been granted in another place, he could not conceive that it would be opposed here, in which case his noble friend's motion would not be debated, and his own would stand.
The Earl of Liverpoolsaid, that whenever the noble baron should bring forward 1130 his motion, he should be perfectly ready to state the grounds on which he deemed it his duty to oppose the production of the documents, and to state such circumstances of the transaction as had induced him to form such a conclusion. He was ready to meet the noble baron on the subject on any day; to that specified he had no objection, as there was no intention of opposing the intended motion of referring the Petitions against the Orders in Council to a committee of the whole House.
The Earl of Lauderdaleobserved, that as it was intended to grant the committee, there ought to be some understanding as to what time it was likely to occupy the House; or whether they were to sit de die in diem, or in what other way.
The Earl of Liverpoolassented to the propriety of having some understanding as to the days, or hours in each day, that should be allotted to the enquiry. He had no objection to go into the committee on Tuesday, but as that might not be convenient he would mention Thursday.