§ So persuaded is the University, that the doctrine, which would exempt Catholics from keeping faith with heretics, or other persons dissenting from them in religious matters, so far from being an article of the Catholic faith, is entirely repugnant to its tenets, that she could not have believed it possible there should exist any persons who would dare to impute to Catholics any thing so iniquitous, had she not learned, from the sacred Scriptures, that the same Pharisees, who had heard our Lord openly commanding to "Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's," afterwards laid this very crime to his charge: "Ye have found this man perverting our nation, and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar." But the devil, who moved their tongues to utter such falshoods, has never desisted from perverting others in like manner.
557§ beyond the seas; and which is in force at this present time. Francis the
§ These are the unanimous opinions of this University, after a mature deliberation, in a full assembly of the Doctors, this 17th of March 1789.
§ A DECISION concerning the three Propositions laid before the University of VALLADOLID by the English Catholics.