HL Deb 01 July 1811 vol 20 cc773-4

The Amendments made by the Commons on this Bill being taken into consideration,

Lord Redesdale

strongly objected to the Amendment which went to extend the operation of the act to the Isle of Man. That country was particularly circumstanced, and subject to its own laws in those respects, which were regulated by its legislature, the House of Keys. Besides, he understood the principle of the Cessio Bonorum prevailed in the Isle of Man, nearly under the same regulations as in Scotland; and he reminded their lordships that the Bill he had the honour to name, and to introduce, including such a regulation, was not ultimately countenanced by their lordships. The Amendment, under the circumstances, struck him as so objectionable, that he must beg leave to oppose it.

Lord Holland

argued in favour of the Amendment. He saw no reason why the inhabitants of the Isle of Man should be excluded from the legislative benevolence of the empire: and why the unfortunate persons confined for debt in that island should not participate in the benefits of the act. As to the objection that it was not usual for parliament to legislate for that island, he begged leave to recall to the noble and learned lord's recollection, that there were numerous acts, in which that country was included; and he deprecated any alterations, which now, just at the close of the session, might prove fatal to the Bill.

Lord Redesdale

explained, that the acts alluded to by the noble baron did not relate to the internal affairs of the Isle of Man; they only went to legislate externally. He also observed, that the present Bill was understood to be only a temporary remedy, and to be, in every respect, like the act of the last year.

A message was afterwards sent to the Commons desiring a Conference with that House, on the subject of the said Amendment, in the Painted Chamber. Accordingly a committee was appointed to manage the conference on the part of the House. Their lordships repaired to the Painted Chamber, and after an interval of a few minutes, they returned; when earl Graham reported that the Conference had been duly held with the managers from the Commons, and that the Commons did not insist upon their Amendments made to the Insolvent Debtors Bill.