HL Deb 16 April 1807 vol 9 c476
Lord Hawkesbury rose ,

pursuant to notice, to move the Thanks of the house to brigadier-general sir S. Auchmuty, for the capture of Monte Video. On some former occasions, he said, doubts had been entertained by the house, whether the thanks of the house ought to be given in cases where important captures were made with little or no resistance on the part of the enemy. In the present case, however, in whatever point of view the achievement was considered, there could be no possible doubt, in his opinion, that it ought to be rewarded with the thanks of the house. The thanks of that house constituted an highly valuable and greatly valued reward, which encouraged the living and afforded the greatest consolation to the relations of those who fell. The brave exertions of the British troops, and the skill and valour of the officers, displayed in the capture of Monte Video, eminently deserved, in his opinion, that reward. The particulars of this capture had already been published. It appeared from this account, that two actions had been fought, in which the British troops had been victorious, and that subsequently Monte Video was carried by assault, after encountering and overcoming the greatest difficulties, with a spirit and a bravery deserving of the highest praise. This gallant achievement was of the greatest impor- tance, not only from the impression which the bravery of our troops must make upon the enemy in that quarter of the globe, but also from the impression which must be made upon the people of the country, by the moderation and forbearance, the good order and discipline displayed by our troops, after the conquest was completed, and this, too, under circumstances which (if any circumstances could justify it) would have justified a contrary conduct, namely, the carrying the place by assault. His lordship concluded by moving the thanks of the house to brigadier-general sir S. Auchmuty, to brigadier-general the hon. W. Lumley, and the other officers under the command of sir Samuel, and an acknowledgement of the services of the non-commissioned officers and soldiers.

The Earl of Galloway

thought it necessary to call the attention of the house to one or two points connected with this subject. The brave achievement which the thanks of the house were called for, deserved, in his opinion, the highest praise, and he rejoiced to hear the noble secretary of state come forward in the way he had, to move for those thanks.

Lord Mulgrave ,

after a warm panegyric[...] on the spirited exertions of our navy in cooperating with the army on the present occasion, concluded with similar motions to rear-admiral Stirling, the officers, men, &c., under his command.—The question was then put upon these motions, and they were all carried, nem. diss.