The house met pursuant to adjournment About twenty peers were sworn in, and took their places. An interval then succeeded of apparently much suspense, when it was expected that the order of the day would he moved, for the marquis of Stafford's motion respecting the recent change of administration. After some consultation, however, between lords Holland, Grenville, Stafford, &c.
The Marquis of Stafford roseand said, that in consequence of the indisposition of 281 many noble lords, who were anxious to attend the debate upon the motion of which he had given notice for that day, he was desirous to afford every accommodation in his power for their attendance. In that persuasion of the existing circumstances respecting these noble persons, he should move, that the order of the day for taking that motion into consideration that day be discharged, and that a new order be made for the entertaining the same motion on Monday next; and that their lordships be accordingly sun, moned for that day. Ordered.
The lord Chancellor (Eldon) ,who this day took seat on the woolsack for the first time since his recent appointment, rose to make some observations on the probable impracticability that the report of the bill on the Scotch Judicature, could be ready before Tuesday; on that day it might be settled what situation was to be occupied by the Scotch judges during the present discussion. Until that decision took place, he was of opinion that the report on the-bill could not well be proceeded on. He should therefore move, that the report be taken into consideration on Wednesday next. Ordered.