HL Deb 03 June 1806 vol 7 c506

The Temple-bar Lottery bill was read a second time.—The Irish Revenue Collection bill, and the Irish Malt bill, passed through committees, and were reported.—The Earl of Moira presented a petition from Mr. Justice Fox, which was read short by the clerk, praying that the house would take his case into consideration, and do what should seem meet to them therein. Ordered to lie on the table.—Mr. Alexander and several other members of the commons, brought up the Irish Sugar bill, and the Irish Additional Force Repeal bill, which were read a first time. Lord Eldon rose to move the order of the day. Earl Stanhope wished previously to offer some observations to the house. Earl Bathurst moved that the house should be cleared. Strangers were immediately excluded, and the consideration of the evidence adduced on the trial of lord Melville was resumed.—The discussion continued till ten o'clock. Several questions were referred to the judges, who were to deliver their opinion, in answer, on the following Thursday, to which day the house adjourned.