HL Deb 14 July 1806 vol 7 c1121

On the second reading of the bill for more effectually partitioning lands in Ireland subject to ascertaining rights of common, lord Redesdale made several observations, for the purpose of proving, from the nature and provisions of the bill, that it ought not to be further entertained by the house, and concluded by moving, that the bill be rejected. The motion was supported by lord Eldon and the lord Chancellor, and agreed to.—The Usher of the Black Rod having appeared at the bar, and informed the house that the commons were ready for a conference in the Painted Chamber, a committee of conference was appointed, consisting of the earl of Westmeath, the earl of Limerick, lord Carleton, the bishop of Winchester, the bishop of Ossory, lord Redesdale, and lord Arden, who went forth to the Painted Chamber. On their return, the earl of Westmeath reported to the house, that they had received from Mr. Bankes, on the part of the committee of commons, a paper which his lordship read, containing a resolution of the commons (relative to a former resolution of their lordships, communicated to the commons, respecting the examination of lord Teignmouth) referring to the precedent of the examination of the earl of Balcarras before the house, who, not being a peer of parliament, was ordered to attend the house, whilst, on the same occasion, earl Cornwallis, being a peer of. parliament, was requested to attend by a message to the house of lords; also stating that lord Teignmouth, not being a peer of parliament, or having a place or seat in the house of lords, was, in the same manner as the earl of Balcarras, ordered to attend the commons to be examined; and, finally, declaring that the commons conceived it their undoubted right to order the attendance before that house, to be examined touching any matter before the house, of any peer, not being a peer of parliament, or having a place or seat in the house of lords. The earl of Limerick observed, that this resolution contained matter of the highest importance to the peerage of the United Kingdom, and he therefore trusted their lordships would take it into their consideration on the earliest possible day. On his lordship's motion, the resolution was ordered to be taken into consideration on Thursday, for which day the lords were ordered to be summoned.