HL Deb 24 April 1806 vol 6 cc901-2

Lord Ellenborough moved for several Accounts of Prisoners confined for debt in the prisons of the Metropolis, at different periods; which were ordered.

The Earl of Moira

expressed a wish that the 2nd reading of the Insolvent Debtor's bill, which stood for this day might be postponed till Monday se'nnight.

Lord Holland

declared his readiness to accede to this request, and moved to discharge the order, which was renewed for Monday se'nnight, and the lords ordered to be summoned for that day.

Lord Eldon

presented three petitions from certain mercharats and tradesmen of the cities of London and Westminster, and the Borough of Southwark, praying that the bill might not pass into a law.

Lord Holland

presented a petition from the debtors confined in the county gaol of Leicester, praying that the bill might pass into a law.