The Cape of Good Hope Trade Regulation bill passed through a committee, and was reported.—The Expiring Laws bill was read a 3d time, and passed.—Judgment was given, on the motion of lord Eldon, in the case Keeling v. the East-India Company, referring back several of the points to the Court of Chancery.— The farther consideration of the appeal, the Countess Dowager of Lincoln and others, v. the duke of Newcastle and others, was, on the motion of lord Eldon, deferred till Monday the 14th inst.—Lord Auckland moved for Accounts of the Value of Imports and Exports to and from Great Britain, on an annual average of five years, ending 1793, and five years, ending 1 805; and for several other accounts of the Value of British Manufactures exported, Shipping, Tonnage, &c.; which were all ordered.—Mr. Hawthorne brought up the Irish Militia Service bill, and two private bills, which were severally read a first time.