Lord Aucklandcalled the attention of their lordships to a topic which he conceived to be of very se- 26 rious and weighty importance, and relative to which something decisive ought to take place before the end of the session. The noble lord seemed to refer to cases of a similar nature with that now pending with respect to the proceedings in the instance of Judge Fox. With a reference to the principle he had in contemplation he acquainted their lordships, that he should, on Tuesday next, bring forward three propositions for the consideration of the house, in the shape of motions, nearly to the following effect: 1st. That a committee be appointed to search for precedents of cases of a member of that house bringing forward, in his place, accusations or charges against an individual, either upon his own authority, upon hearing, or upon the authority or information of others, &c. 2d. For an inquiry into precedents of the modes of proceeding adopted in that house in cases of charges made against individuals, otherwise than matters of record, or by petitions presented to that house; and, 3d. For an examination into precedents respecting complaints exhibited against any of his majesty's judges previous to the act of W. III. &c.—His lordship then moved, that the lords be summoned for Tuesday next.
§ Lord Grenvilleexpressed his opinion, that a question arising out of the intended motion first described by the noble lord, should be referred to the consideration of the twelve judges.
Lord Aucklandreplied, that a question of the kind had been nearly decided in a case that occurred in the year 1663.—The question being put, the lords were ordered to be summoned for Tuesday next.