§ The Pleasure Horse Duty bill was read a second time. —Mr. Johnson, from the Commissioners of Naval Inquiry, presented the 11th Report of the commissioners, which was. ordered to lie on the table, and to be printed —Earl Darnley said, that he had given notice of a motion for to-morrow, for papers respecting the navy, with a view to a comparison of the conduct of the present board of Admiralty, with that of their predecessors; but as he understood that a noble earl, who lately presided at the admiralty, could not attend to-morrow, and as he wished to give a noble viscount, who was the present first lord of the admiralty, an opportunity of considering whether he would consent to grant the papers intended to be moved for, he would therefore postpone his motion to Thursday. His lordship then moved that the order for summoning the lords to-morrow should be discharged, and renewed for Thursday. Ordered.—Adjourned.