HL Deb 05 March 1805 vol 3 c704


The bills upon the table were forwarded in their respective stages.—One of the masters in chancery reported the answer of the house of commons to their lordships' message, desiring the permission of the house to the right hon. sir John Stewart, bait, one of its members, to attend a committee of their lordships, importing, that the house had granted permission accordingly. Sir John Stewart was afterwards sworn at the bar, with respect to his proposed evidence before the committee of their lordships, to whose consideration the matters alleged in charge against Mr. Justice Fox were referred.— Lord Mulgrave, seeing a noble baron in his place, on whose motion their lordships stood summoned for Friday next, For the discussion of a subject of considerable importance, observed, that it would tend greatly to the convenience of several noble lords, were the noble baron, should it make no material difference to him, to postpone his intended motion until the following Monday. Lord King, in reply adverted to what had already taken place with respect to postponing the discussion in question; it had been twice posponed, and very lately on the requisition of a noble lord, a colleague of the noble secretary's. His lordship alluded to the inconvenience it would be to several noble lords on his side of the house, were the discussion farther postponed. He was willing to make every reasonable concession to the convenience of noble lords; but, as the present case stood, he should, unless some strong reason for a further postponement were assigned, adhere to his intention of bringing forward his motion on Friday.— Lord Walsingham acquainted their lordships, that he should have to-morrow, a proposition to submit to the house, respecting a power hi the committee to whom the matters alleged in charge against Mr. Justice Fox was referred, to report from time, to to time, &c. And moved, that their lordships be summoned on the occasion; which was ordered accordingly.—Mr. Alexander brought up from the commons, the additional postage duties bill, and the new loan bill, which were severally read a first time.—Adjourned.