HL Deb 25 June 1805 vol 5 cc559-60

The order of the day for considering the petition of Mr. Justice Fox being read,

Lord Hawkesbury moved, that such part of the said petition as relates to expenses, be referred to the committee already appointed to consider of the expenses incurred by other persons concerned in the proceedings. His lordship then observed, that he had given notice of a motion for suspending the proceedings in the case of Mr. Justice Fox. In conformity with that intention, he was now about to introduce a bill for continuing over the proceedings to the next session. A noble lord, who was not then in his place (lord Grenville) had stated, that he had strong objections to this measure. As that noble lord was absent, he should reserve the reasons he had to urge in support of this measure until the second reading, which he intended to move on Thursday.—The bill was read a first time, and ordered to be printed.

The Lord Chancellor observed, that a similar measure had been thought necessary in the case of sir Thomas Rumbold, but the precedent which came nearest to the course now proposed by his noble friend was, the impeachment of Mr. Hastings. A bill had then been brought into the commons for continuing over the proceedings. It was still, however, for their lordships to determine whether they would adopt that course in the present instance.

Lord Hawkesbury said, he could not, consistently with the forms of the house, propose that an order should be made for the second reading, until printed copies were on the table. As it was his wish, however, that it should be read a second time on Thursday next, he now moved, that their lordships be summoned for Thursday.—Adjourned.