HL Deb 21 June 1805 vol 5 c533

Mr. Lascelles brought up from the commons Mr. Pitt's Indemnity bill; which was read a first time, and ordered to be printed.—Lord Suffolk presented a petition from the church-wardens of the parish of St. Pancras, against the Pancras Poor bill. This petition, like that presented yesterday, was found to be irregular, and was withdrawn, in order that another more consistent with the orders of the house might be presented.—The Stipendiary Curates' bill being re-committed, the archbishop of Armagh moved, that the words "England and Wales" be left out, in order to make the bill applicable to Ireland also. After a long conversation, in which the archbishop of Dublin, the archbishop of Canterbury, the lord Chancellor, earl Fitzwilliam, the bishop of St. Asaph, the bishop of London, &c. spoke, the motion was negatived. The chairman then reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again on Wednesday.