HL Deb 05 June 1805 vol 5 c165

Lord Barham (late sir C. Middleton) was introduced with the accustomed formalities, sworn and took his seat. His lordship's supporters were, lords Boston and Woodhouse.—The royal assent was given by commission to the Land Tax Commissioners' Name bill, the Property Tax Amendment, the Naval Enquiry Renewal, the Military Commissioners, the Irish Spirit Licence bill, the Wine Duties bill, and the Slate Exemption Duty bill, and to thirty-two acts of a private or local description. The lords commissioners were, the lord chancellor, lord Walsingham, and lord Auckland.—The earl of Suffolk said, that with respect to the motion, of which he had given notice, he believed for that day, relative to the state of Ireland, he should defer it for the present. He did not, however, relinquish his intention, but meant to bring it forward, probably in the course of next week, but of the particular day he should take care to give due notice. On the motion of the bishop of London, and relative to which proceeding a few words were said in a very low tone or voice by the earl of Bridgewater; their lordships were ordered to be summoned for Monday next.—The earl of Suffolk, seeing a noble secretary Of state in his place, expressed his wish to learn in what state of forwardness the accounts were respecting the drawing of bills from the West India Islands upon his majesty's treasury, which had been ordered to be produced upon his motion on a former day; or, when it was probable they would be laid before the house? Lord Hawkesbury observed, he believed the papers were in that state of preparation, that they would be ready in the course of a few days. He had, however, to repent his wish, that the noble earl would particularize some fact or circumstance which, it was his wish, as the Object of his motion, to collect from the accounts in question. With respect to the case of a particular bill, to which the noble earl referred on a former evening, he had reason to think the facts were misrepresented to him; such proceedings never obtained without the permission of the holder. There was an allowance of five per cent. but from this no person could derive any profit, because the bills were only paid at the bank. However, to bring the subject fully to the view of the house, he would move "for an account of all bills drawn from the West India settlements upon his majesty's treasury, beyond a certain amount, from the 1st of December, 1798, to the 1st of December, 1802, with the dates, amount of interest paid to the holder, &c. should be laid before the house." The earl of Suffolk, in explanation, contended, that he had been well informed as to what he stated on a former evening. In one of the cases, the party agreed to the proffered accommodation; in the other it was refused; he had his information from the best authority: he had also information on the subject from some of the principal West India houses. Lord Hawkesbury having moved to the foregoing effect, it was ordered accordingly.