HL Deb 31 January 1805 vol 3 cc162-3

Mr. Parke was heard for the respondents, and Mr. Nolan in reply for the appellants, in the Scotch appeal Smith and others v. Lucena and others.— The farther consideration was postponed till this day fortnight, to enable the house to avail themselves of the opinions of the 12 judges in the case of Lucena v. Craw ford, which involved certain points essential to the decision of the present case.—Earl Camden moved, that an address be presented to his majesty, praying he would be pleased to order certain accounts relative to the state of the regular, militia, and other force of the country, at different periods, to be laid on the table, distinguishing those for general and limited ser- vice, those raised in the ordinary mode of recruiting, and those raised under the additional force bill. Adjourned.