Their lordships proceeded further in the Appeal, Blane, esq. Trustee for sir Andrew Cathcart, against the earl of Cassilis. Mr. H. Erskine was heard in continuation on the part of the respondent, after which the further consideration was postponed till Thursday.—Several private bills were brought from the commons, and read a first time.—Mr. Owen, from the East India house, presented certain accounts pursuant to act of parliament, which were ordered to lie on the table.— The order of the day being moved for the second reading of the bill for dissolving the marriage of John Moore, esq. and Barbara Brabazon, his late wife, and for enabling him to marry again. Mr. Adam was heard as counsel for the petitioner. It appeared that there was an inaccuracy in the recital of one of the clauses of the bill, and on that account the party obtained leave to withdraw it, for the purpose of introducing a new one. The hearing of counsel was then postponed to Thursday next.—Adjourned.