HL Deb 26 April 1805 vol 4 c428

The consideration of the appeal cause, Cathcart, Bart. v. the earl of Cassilis, being resumed, Mr. H. Erskine was heard on behalf of the noble respondent—The bills upon the table, chiefly of a private or local description, were read in their several stages.—The lord Chancellor called the attention of their lordships to the great number and accumulation of appeal causes and writs of error which now Jay over for consideration, particularly with respect to those which came from Ireland and Scotland. According to the present mode of proceeding, the attention of their lordships could not be regularly drawn to some of these, perhaps for years. It would be important that some line should be endeavoured to be struck out, or some arrangements formed, with a view to the more regular and expeditious hearing or disposal of these causes, in reference to the concerns of the parties, as well as to the business of the house. Under this impression, he should move for the appointment of a committee of their lordships, to take the subject, which was one in every point of view of great importance, into consideration. In such a proceeding, the order of rotation for hearing, in which the different cases at present stood, the respective general natures of the cases, and Also the places from whence the appeals were made, should be taken into consideration. It was his idea that their lordships who were present this session should be empowered to sit in such a committee. His lordship then moved to the following effect: "That a committee of the Lords present this session be appointed to take into consideration the different appeals and writs of error now pending before the house, with a reference to a more regular, convenient, and expeditious mode of hearing and proceeding on the same; and that the said committee do commence its proceedings on Tuesday next."—This propo- sition meeting the sense of their lordships, it was ordered accordingly.