The order of the day being read for resuming the debate on certain questions relative to the case of Judge Fox;
Lord Aucklandrose to offer an amendment to a string of motions which he had 162 submitted to their lordships this day [...]sen-night, the substance of which was, to add to some of them, the words "punishable by the ordinary course of law." Here a very long conversion ensued on a point of order; whether the motions should be put collectively or separately, in which conversation the following noble lords took a part. For discussing them collectively, were lords Grenville, Spencer, Carlisle, Darnley, Auckland, &c.; for a separate discussion, were the Lord Chancellor, lords Ellenborough, Hawkesbury, sidmouth, Mulgrave, Buckinghamshire, and Redesdale. The conversation, which lasted a considerable time, at length ended in lord Auckland withdrawing his motion.