§ The bills upon the table were forwarded in their several stages.—The farther consideration of the appeal Thellussons v. Wood-fords, was postponed.—On the order of the cay being read for the further consideration of the writ of error, from the Court of King's Bench, Mackreth v. Askew, the Lord Chief Baron delivered the opinion of the judges at great length. Most of the judges were present. The Lord Chancellor then left the woolsack, and observed, that 504 four questions had been referred to the judges for their opinion; which they had now given, on the two first. If their lordships should concur with that opinion, there would be no absolute necessity, for their giving judgment in this cause, that they should hear the opinion of the judges on the other two. Yet, he thought it proper to state, that the four questions he. alluded to, were so framed as to include almost every question which could arise on the Annuity Act, and that it might be useful to the course of justice, that their lordship's decision should be founded on the whole view of all the questions referred to the judges, with their opinion on each. He should, therefore, move, that the further consideration of this cause be adjourned to this day week, for the purpose of their lordships' determining whether they will hear the judges on the two other questions. The motion was then put and agreed to.—Some witnesses were sworn at the bar previous to their being examined in some private bills. Adjourned till to morrow at three o'clock.