HL Deb 12 December 1803 vol 1 c239

The Marquis of Stafford was sworn, and took his seat, on his accession to that peerage; as was also the Earl of Bristol, on a similar occasion.—The lord Chancellor presented a petition from Allen M'Leod, who had been sentenced to be fined and imprisoned, bating his inability to pay the fine inflicted, and praying that their Lordships would be pleased, in consideration of his long confinement, to grant him remission of the line. The petition was ordered to lie on the table.—Lord King moved, that the proper officer be desired to lay before the House an account of the Rank of England Notes in circulation on the 25th of each month, from Feb. to Nov last, distinguishing those under £5. Ordered.—On his Lordship's motion, a similar order was made relative to notes of the Bank of Ireland.—The Bills on the table were forwarded in their respective stages.