HL Deb 06 December 1803 vol 1 cc131-2

Counsel were heard in continuation, and finally, respecting the Scotech Appeal, Christie v. [...], viz. Messge, Homilly and Nolan, on the part of the Respondant, and Mr. Adam for the Appellant, in reply.—After the arguments of Counsel were concluded, the Lord Chancellor moved for the Affirmation of the Decree, with 6ol. costs, which was ordered accordingly—Lord Walsingham moved the first reading of the Seamen's Habeas Corpus Bill, which took place accordingly, and afterwards that the bill be printed for the use of their Lordships. Ordered.—Mr. Graham presented at the bar an account of the state of convicts on board the hulks at Woolwich and at Portsmouth, from Christmas 1802, until Michaelmas last.—Mr. Robinson, from the London Wet Docks Company, presented an account of the receipts and disbursements of the same for one year, being from the 1st of June 1802, to the 31st of May 1803, both inclusive: and also, a copy of a report of the Board of Directors thereon.—These documents were severally ordered to lie on the table, and at six o'clock the House adjourned till to-morrow.