§ The LORD CHANCELLOR acquainted the House, that the Clerk of the Parliaments had laid upon the Table the Certificates from the Examiners that the further Standing Orders applicable to the following Bills have been complied with:
- Bournemouth, Poole and Christ-church Electricity [H.L.],
- Dagenham Trading Estate [H.L.],
- Gas Light and Coke Company [H.L.],
- Hove Pier [H.L.],
- North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply [H.L.],
- South Metropolitan Gas [H.L.].
§ Also the Certificates that no Standing Orders are applicable to the following Bills:
- Sea Fisheries Provisional Order,
- Ministry of Health Provisional Order (Maidstone Extension),
- Ministry of Health Provisional Order (Sittingbourne and Milton).
§ The same were ordered to lie on the Table.