Deb 25 April 1928 vol 70 c860

Report from the Committee of Selection, That the following Lords be proposed to the House to form the Committee to join with the Committee of the House of Commons on the said Bill; namely:—

Agreed to, and the said Lords appointed accordingly. Ordered, that such Committee have power to agree with the Committee of the House of Commons in the appointment of a Chairman: Leave given to the Committee to hear Counsel for the Bill.

Ordered, that a Message be sent to the House of Commons to acquaint them with the appointment of the Committee, and to request them to appoint five members of that House to join with the said Committee, pursuant to the Resolution of this House of the 27th of March last, and to the Message of the House of Commons of Thursday last signifying their concurrence to the said Resolution, and to propose that the Joint Committee do meet in Committee Room No. 4 on Tuesday, Mar 15 next, at twelve o'clock.