Commons Sitting of 27 April 1998 Series 6 Vol. 311

  1. Preamble 7 words
  2. c1
  3. PRAYERS 5 words
  4. Oral Answers to Questions
    1. cc1-20
    2. SOCIAL SECURITY 6 words
      1. cc1-2
      2. Disability-related Benefits 220 words
      3. cc2-4
      4. New Deal (Disabled People) 1,023 words
      5. cc4-5
      6. Income Support 597 words
      7. cc6-9
      8. Poor Pensioners 1,784 words
      9. cc9-10
      10. Good Parenting 595 words
      11. cc10-1
      12. Unemployed Home Buyers 382 words
      13. cc11-2
      14. Social Security Tribunals 463 words
      15. c12
      16. Landlord Fraud 185 words
      17. cc13-4
      18. Pensions 562 words
      19. cc14-5
      20. Winter Fuel Payments 513 words
      21. cc15-6
      22. Welfare Reform 595 words
      23. cc16-7
      24. Child Maintenance 517 words
      25. cc17-8
      26. Fuel (VAT) 420 words
      27. cc18-9
      28. Housing Benefit 195 words
      29. cc19-20
      30. Child Support Agency 349 words
  5. UK Atomic Energy Authority 2,417 words
  6. cc26-41
  7. Drugs 8,251 words
  8. c42
  9. Point of Order 391 words
  10. Orders of the Day
    1. cc43-119
    2. Finance (No. 2) Bill 68 words
      1. Clause 30
        1. cc43-75
        2. CORPORATION TAX: DUE AND PAYABLE DATE 17,109 words, 1 division
      2. Clause 75
        1. cc75-99
        2. USE OF PEPS POWERS TO PROVIDE FOR ACCOUNTS 13,167 words, 1 division
      3. Clause 147
        1. cc99-119
        2. STAMP DUTY ON CONVEYANCE OR TRANSFER ON SALE 11,275 words, 1 division
    1. c120
    2. Cannabis (Medical Use) 78 words
  12. Venezuela 2,887 words