Commons Sitting of 5 June 1996 Series 6 Vol. 278

  1. Preamble 7 words
  2. cc523-88
  3. PRAYERS 5 words
    1. cc523-42
    2. Dementia 10,754 words
    3. cc543-64
    4. Primary Schools 11,664 words
    5. cc565-72
    6. Architects (Insurance) 4,230 words
    7. cc573-81
    8. Single Currency (Pension Liabilities) 3,978 words
    9. cc581-8
    10. Health Care (Highlands) 4,373 words
  4. Oral Answers to Questions
      1. cc589-90
      2. Mearnskirk Hospital Site 502 words
      3. cc590-1
      4. Community Service Orders 659 words
      5. cc591-2
      6. Employment Prospects 606 words
      7. cc592-3
      8. Inward Investment 555 words
      9. cc593-6
      10. Beef Production 1,247 words
      11. cc596-7
      12. Contaminated Land 580 words
      13. cc597-9
      14. Beef Industry 1,028 words
      15. cc599-601
      16. Education 1,072 words
      17. cc601-3
      18. Health Service and Local Government Funding 753 words
      19. cc603-4
      20. Scottish Economic Council 755 words
      21. cc604-5
      22. Social Work Services/(Borders) 420 words
      23. cc605-6
      24. Public Spending 586 words
      25. c606
      26. Nursing and Residential Homes 248 words
      27. cc607-8
      28. Education Budgets 253 words
  5. Points of Order 1,259 words
  6. cc612-7
  7. Choice of Schools 3,175 words, 1 division
  8. Orders of the Day
    1. cc618-43
    2. Housing Benefit 14,161 words, 1 division
    3. cc644-67
    4. Fishing Vessels (Decommissioning) 13,072 words
    5. cc668-91
    6. Parliamentary Proceedings (Welsh) 12,447 words
    7. cc691-700
    8. Diabetes 4,799 words