Commons Sitting of 3 July 1995 Series 6 Vol. 263

Commons Sitting of 3 July 1995 Series 6 Vol. 263

  1. Preamble 7 words
  2. c1
  3. PRAYERS 5 words
  4. Oral Answers to Questions
      1. cc1-2
      2. Network South Central 189 words
      3. cc2-3
      4. Rail Franchises 409 words
      5. cc3-4
      6. Northern Line 384 words
      7. cc4-6
      8. Transport Policy 1,253 words
      9. cc6-7
      10. Vehicle Excise Duty Fraud 458 words
      11. c7
      12. A21 240 words
      13. cc7-8
      14. Travelcards (London) 322 words
      15. cc8-9
      16. Crossrail 565 words
      17. cc9-10
      18. British Rail 281 words
      19. c10
      20. East London Line 273 words
      21. cc10-1
      22. Cowden Crash Inquiry Recommendations 467 words
      23. cc11-2
      24. Transport Facilities (London) 434 words
      25. cc12-3
      26. Air Service Agreement 320 words
      1. c13
      2. Citizens Charters 413 words
      3. cc13-4
      4. Science Education 551 words
      5. cc14-5
      6. Civil Servants 365 words
      7. cc15-6
      8. Science Education 198 words
      9. c16
      10. Duchy Benevolent Fund 287 words
      11. cc16-7
      12. Science Week 1996 456 words
      13. cc17-21
      14. Citizens Charters 898 words
  5. Points of Order 605 words
  6. c23
  7. Opposition Day 3 words
  8. cc23-79
  9. Health Care 30,201 words, 1 division
    1. cc79-91
    2. Queen Mary and Westfield College Bill (By Order) 6,554 words, 1 division
  11. Orders of the Day
    1. cc91-115
    2. Education 13,259 words, 1 division
    3. cc115-24
    4. Wroxham-Hoveton Bypass 5,114 words