Commons Sitting of 30 June 1993 Series 6 Vol. 227

  1. Preamble 7 words
  2. c949
  3. PRAYERS 5 words
  4. Oral Answers to Questions
      1. cc949-51
      2. Ozone Depletion 1,184 words
      3. cc951-2
      4. Council Tax 808 words
      5. cc952-4
      6. Water Disconnections 906 words
      7. cc954-6
      8. Local Government Reform 978 words
      9. cc956-7
      10. Dioxin 290 words
      11. c957
      12. Council Tax 352 words
      13. cc957-9
      14. Construction Industry 1,138 words
      15. cc959-60
      16. Local Government, Cleveland 475 words
      17. cc960-3
      18. Urban Regeneration 1,464 words
      19. cc963-5
      20. Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant 923 words
      21. cc965-6
      22. Government Building Contracts 344 words
      23. c966
      24. Local Government 142 words
  5. Serious Fraud Office 6,793 words
  6. cc980-2
  7. Points of Order 818 words
  8. cc982-5
  9. Medical Act 1983 (Amendment) 1,333 words
    1. cc984-5
    2. MEDICAL ACT 1983 (AMENDMENT) 76 words
  10. Orders of the Day
    1. cc985-1069
    2. European Parliamentary Elections Bill 46,265 words, 2 divisions
    3. cc1069-82
    4. European Parliamentary Elections Bill [Money] 6,943 words, 1 division
      1. cc1081-2
      2. WELSH GRAND COMMITTEE 72 words
    5. Rolling Stock 4,214 words