Commons Sitting of 1 May 1990 Series 6 Vol. 171

  1. Preamble 7 words
  2. c879
  3. PRAYERS 5 words
  4. Oral Answers to Questions
    1. HEALTH
      1. c879
      2. Out-patients 283 words
      3. cc879-81
      4. General Practitioners 616 words
      5. cc881-2
      6. Residential Homes 765 words
      7. cc882-4
      8. NHS Reform 877 words
      9. c884
      10. Hospital Closures, Sheffield 351 words
      11. cc884-5
      12. Community Care 483 words
      13. cc885-6
      14. Nurses and Midwives 320 words
      15. cc886-7
      16. Day Patients 365 words
      17. cc887-9
      18. Internal Contracts 946 words
      19. cc889-90
      20. Royal Colleges of Medicine 903 words
      21. cc890-1
      22. Clinical Standards 519 words
      23. cc891-2
      24. General Practitioners 144 words
      25. c892
      26. Mental Handicap 260 words
      1. cc892-6
      2. Engagements 1,703 words
  5. RAF Shackleton (Crash) 2,207 words
  6. cc902-21
  7. European Council (Dublin) 10,752 words
  8. cc922-5
  9. Points of Order 1,633 words
    1. c925
    2. STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS &c. 156 words
  10. Control of Inflation (Local Government) Bill 2,819 words, 1 division
  11. cc932-3
  12. Points of Order 831 words
  13. cc934-1001
  14. Finance Bill 38,915 words, 1 division
  15. c1001
  16. FINANCE BILL (Committal) 86 words
  17. cc1001-3
  18. Points of Order 830 words
  19. cc1004-12
  20. Housing (Stoke-on-Trent) 4,166 words