Commons Sitting of 25 January 1988 Series 6 Vol. 126

  1. Preamble 7 words
  2. c1
  3. PRAYERS 5 words
  4. cc1-2
  5. Imprisonment of a Member 286 words
  6. Oral Answers to Questions
    1. ENERGY
      1. cc2-3
      2. Energy Conservation 530 words
      3. cc3-4
      4. Domestic Consumers 508 words
      5. cc4-5
      6. Coal Industry 436 words
      7. c5
      8. Offshore Supplies Office 280 words
      9. cc5-7
      10. Nuclear Industry 950 words
      11. cc7-8
      12. Windscale Fire 365 words
      13. cc8-9
      14. Oil Demand 544 words
      15. cc9-10
      16. Power Station (Fawley) 594 words
      17. cc10-2
      18. Coal Industry 874 words
      19. c12
      20. Oil Exploration 104 words
    2. THE ARTS
      1. cc12-3
      2. Area Museums Councils 424 words
      3. cc13-4
      4. Greater London Arts 661 words
      5. cc14-5
      6. Crucible Theatre, Sheffield 268 words
      7. cc15-6
      8. Arts Council (Grant) 490 words
      1. c16
      2. Staff Morale 332 words
      3. cc16-7
      4. Civil Service College 352 words
      5. cc17-8
      6. Political Activities 359 words
      7. c18
      8. Secondment 353 words
      9. cc18-20
      10. Ethnic Communities 185 words
  7. Royal Ulster Constabulary (Stalker-Sampson Investigations) 7,721 words, 1 division
  8. Orders of the Day
    1. cc36-120
    2. Regional Development Grants (Termination) Bill 47,728 words, 1 division
  9. London Regional Transport 12,766 words
    1. c144
    2. Rating Reform 163 words
  11. Deep Mining (East Fife) 4,163 words