Commons Sitting of 30 April 1984 Series 6 Vol. 59

  1. Preamble 7 words
  2. c1
  3. PRAYERS 5 words
  4. Oral Answers to Questions
    1. WALES
      1. cc1-2
      2. Nursery Education 356 words
      3. cc2-3
      4. Social Service Complex (Colwyn Bay) 194 words
      5. cc3-4
      6. Dairy Farmers 708 words
      7. cc4-6
      8. Housing 851 words
      9. c6
      10. Local Community Hospitals 435 words
      11. cc7-8
      12. European Regional Development Fund 518 words
      13. c8
      14. Housing 424 words
      15. cc8-9
      16. Housing Associations 327 words
      17. cc9-11
      18. Labour Statistics 940 words
      19. cc11-2
      20. Welsh Assembly 325 words
      21. c12
      22. Voluntary Organisations 166 words
        1. cc12-3
        2. Redundant Churches 652 words
        3. WALES
          1. c14
          2. Coal Industry 472 words
          3. c15
          4. Pupil-teacher Ratios 153 words
          5. c15
          6. EC (Loans and Grants) 194 words
          7. THE ARTS
            1. cc15-7
            2. Arts Council 627 words
            3. c17
            4. Business and Private Support 242 words
            5. cc17-8
            6. Arts Associations 394 words
            7. c18
            8. "The Glory of the Garden" 197 words
  5. Oral Questions 593 words
    1. c20
    2. MEDICAL ACT 1983 (AMENDMENT) 80 words
    3. Orders of the Day
      1. cc20-172
      2. Finance (No. 2) Bill 81 words
        1. Clause 10
          1. cc20-101
          2. ZERO-RATING 47,949 words, 1 division
          3. c101
          4. BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE 22 words
          5. Finance (No. 2) Bill
            1. Clause 10
              1. cc101-22
              2. ZERO RATING 11,495 words, 2 divisions
          6. Finance (No. 2) Bill
            1. Schedule 6
              1. cc123-51
              2. MODIFICATIONS OF SCHEDULE 5 TO VALUE ADDED TAX ACT 1983 17,131 words, 2 divisions
            2. Clause 17
              1. cc151-63
              2. CHARGE OF INCOME TAX FOR 1984–85 6,397 words, 2 divisions
        2. WAYS AND MEANS
          1. c165
          2. Capital allowances 208 words
          3. cc166-72
          4. Train Services (Bromley) 4,131 words