HC Deb 03 July 1968 vol 767 cc1539-42


Notwithstanding anything in the Income Tax Acts to the contrary, the rule that old age relief shall be in substitution for and not in addition to relief for blind persons shall cease to have effect.—[Mr. Ridsdale.]

Brought up, and read the First time.

Motion made, and Question put, That the Clause be read a Second time.

The House divided: Ayes 167, Noes 215.

Division No. 263.] AYES 5.37 P. M.
Alison, Micheal (Barkston Ash) Griffths, Eldon (Bury St. Edmunds) Page, Graham (Crosby)
Allson,James (Hemel Hemphstead) Grimond, Rt. Hn. J. Page, John (Harrow, W.)
Astor, John Gurden, Harold Pardoe, John
Hall, John (Wycombe) Pearson, Arthur (Clitheroe)
Awdry, Daniel Harris, Frederic (Croydon, N.W.) Peel, John
Baker, Kenneth (Acton) Harrison, Brian (Maldon) Percival, Ian
Baker, W. H. K. (Banff) Harvey, Sir Arthur Vere Pike, Miss Mervyn
Balniel, Lord Harvie Anderson, Miss Pounder, Rafton
Beamish, Col. Sir Tufton Hawkins, Paul Powell, Rt, Hn. J. Enoch
Bennett, Dr. Reginald (Gos. & Fhm) Heald, Rt. Hn. Sir Lionel Prior, J. M. L.
Biggs-Davison, John Heath, Rt. Hn. Edward Pym, Francis
Birch, Rt. Hn. Nigel Higgins, Terence L. Ramsden Rt. Hn James
Black, Sir Cyril Hill, J. E. B. Rhys Williams, Sir Brandon
Blaker, Peter Hirst, Geoffrey Ridsdale, Julian
Boardman, Tom (Leicester, S.W.) Holland, Philip Rossi, Hugh (Hornsey)
Bossom, Sir Clive Hooson, Emlyn Royle, Anthony
Boyle, Rt. Hn. Sir Edward Hordern, Peter Russell, Sir Ronald
Braine, Bernard Hunt, John Scott, Nicholas
Brewis, John Iremonger, T. L. Scott-Hopkins, James
Bromley-Davenport, Lt,-Col. Sir Walter Jenkin, Patrick (Woodford) Sharples, Richard
Brown, Sir Edward (Bath) Johnson Smith, G. (E. Grinstead) Shaw, Michael (Sc'b'gh & Whitby)
Bruce-Gardyne, J. Jopling, Micheal Sinclair, Sir George
Buchnan-Smith, Alick (Angus, N&M) Kirk, Peter Smith, Dudley (W' wick & L'mington)
Buck, Anthony (Colchester) Knight, Mrs. Jill Smith, John (Londen & W'minster)
Camphell, B. (Oldham, West)
Campbell, Gordon (Moray & Nairn) Lane, David Speed, Keith
Carr, Rt. Hn. Robert Langford-Holt, Sir John Stainton, Keith
Channon, H. P. G. Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry Summers, Sir Spencer
Chisester-Clark, R. Lewis, Kenneth (Ruthland) Tapsell, Peter
Clegg, Walter Lloyd, Rt. Hn. Geofferoy n(Sut'nC'dfield) Taylor, Sir Charles (Eastbourne)
Cooke, Robert Loveys, W. H. Taylor, Edward M. (G'grow, Cathcart)
Corfield, F. V. Lubbock, Eric Taylor, Frank (Moss Side)
Costain, A. P McAdden, Sir Stephen Temple, John M.
Craddock, Sir Beresford (Spelthrone) MacArthur, lan Thatcher, Mrs. Margarett
Cunningham, Sir Knox Mackenzie, Alasdair (Ross&Crom'ty) Turton, Rt. Hn. R. H.
Dance, James Maclean, Sir Fitzroy Van Straubenzee, W. R.
Davidson, James (Aberdeenshire W.) Macleod, Rt. Hn. lain Vaughan-Morgon, Rt. Hn. Sir John
d'Avigdor-Goldsmid, Sir Hendry McMaster, Stanley Vickers, Dame Joan
Dean, Paul (Somerset, N.) Madden, Martin Waddington, D.
Dodds-Parker, Douglas Marten, Neil Wainwright, Richard (Colne Valley)
Eden, Sir John Maude, Argus Walker-Smith, Rt. Hn. Sir Derek
Elliot, Capt. Walter (Carshalton) Mawby, Ray Walters, Dennis
Emry, Peter Maxwell-Hyslop, R. J. Ward, Dame Irene
Errington, Sir Eric Mills, Peter (Torrington) Weatherill, Bernard
Eyre, Reginald Mischamphell, Norman Wells, John (Maidstone)
Farr, John Monro, Hector Whitelaw, Rt. Hn. William
Fisher, Nigel Montegomery, Fernus Williams, Donald (Dudley)
Fletcher-Cooke, Charles More Jasper Wills, Sir Gerald (Bridgewater)
Fortescue, Tim Morgan, Geraint (Denbigh) Wilson, Geoffery (Truro)
Galbraith, Hn. T. G. Munro-Lucas-Tooth, Sir Hugh Winstanley, Dr. M. P.
Gibson-Watt, David Murton, Oscar Wolridge-Gorden, Patrick
Glover, Sir Douglas Nabarro, Sir Gerald Worsley, Marcus
Glyn, Sir Richard Nicholls, Sir Harmer Wylie, N. R.
Godber, Rt. Hn. J. B. Nott, John Younger, Hn. George
Goodhart, Philip Onslow, Cranley
Goodhew, Victor Orr-Ewing, Sir Ian TELLERS FOR THE AYES:
Gower, Raymond Osborn, John (Hallam) Mr. R. W. Elliott and
Grant, Anthony Osborne, Sir Cyrill (Louth) Mr. Timothy Kitson
Albu, Austen Greenwood, Rt. Hn. Anthony Oakes, Gordon
Allaun, Frank (Salford, E.) Gregory, Arnold Ogden, Eric
Alldritt, Walter Griffiths, Eddie (Brigntside) O'Malley, Brian
Allen, Scholefield Griffiths, Rt. Hn. James (Llanelly) Oram, Albert E.
Anderson, Donald Griffiths, Will (Exchange) Orme, Stanley
Archer, Peter Hamilton, James (Bothwell) Oswald, Thomas
Armstrong, Ernest Hamilton, William (Fife, W.) Owen, Will (Morpeth)
Atkins, Ronald (Preston, N.) Hamling, William Page, Derek (King's Lynn)
Atkinson, Norman (Tottenham) Hannan, William Paget, R. T.
Barnes, Michael Harrison, Walter (Wakefield) Palmer, Arthur
Barnett, Joel Haseldine, Norman Pannell, Rt. Hn. Charles
Baxter, William Heffer, Eric S. Parkyn, Brian (Bedford)
Beaney, Alan Henig, Stanley Pavitt, Laurence
Bence, Cyril Herbison, Rt. Hn. Margaret Pearson, Arthur (Pontypridd)
Bennett, James (G'gow, Bridgeton) Hooley, Frank Peart, Rt. Hn. Fred
Bishop, E. S. Horner, John Pentland, Norman
Blackburn, F. Houghton, Rt. Hn. Douglas Perry, Ernest G. (Battersea, S.)
Blenkinsop, Arthur Howarth, Harry (Wellingborough) Perry, George H. (Nottingham, S.)
Boardman, H. (Leigh) Hoy, James Prentice, Rt. Hn. R. E.
Boston, Terence Huckfield, Leslie Price, Thomas (Westhoughton)
Bottomley, Rt. Hn. Arthur Hughes, Emrys (Ayrshire, S.) Price, William (Rugby)
Braddock, Mrs. E. M. Hughes, Hector (Aberdeen, N.) Probert, Arthur
Bradley, Tom Hughes, Roy (Newport) Rankin, John
Bray, Dr. Jeremy Hunter, Adam Rees, Merlyn
Brooks, Edwin Irvine, Sir Arthur (Edge Hill) Richard, Ivor
Brown, Rt. Hn. George (Belper) Jackson, Colin (B'h'se & Spenb'gh) Roberts, Albert (Normanton)
Brown, Hugh D. (G'gow, Provan) Jenkins, Hugh (Putney) Robertson, John (Paisley)
Brown, R. W. (Shoreditch & F'bury) Jenkins, Rt. Hn. Roy (Stechford) Rodgers, William (Stockton)
Buchan, Norman Johnson, Carol (Lewisham, S.) Rogers, George (Kensington, N.)
Buchanan,Richard(G'gow, Sp'burn) Johnson, James (K'ston-on-Hull, W.) Rose, Paul
Cant, R. B. Jones, Dan (Burnley) Rowlands, E. (Cardiff, N.)
Carmichael, Neil Jones,Rt.Hn.Sir Elwyn(W.Ham,S.) Sheldon, Robert
Carter-Jones Lewis Jones, J. Idwal (Wrexham) Shore, Rt. Hn. Peter (Stepney)
Chapman, Donald Judd, Frank Short, Mrs. Renée (W'hampton,N.E.)
Coe, Denis Kelley, Richard Silkin, Rt. Hn. John (Deptford)
Coleman, Donald Kerr, Mrs. Anne (R'ter & Chatham) Silkin, Hn. S. C. (Dulwich)
Conlan, Bernard Ledger, Ron Silverman, Julius
Cronin, John Lever, Harold (Cheetham) Slater, Joseph
Cullen, Mrs. Alice Lewis, Arthur (W. Ham, N.) Small, William
Dalyell, Tam Lewis, Ron (Carlisle) Snow, Julian
Darling, Rt. Hn. George Lipton, Marcus Spriggs, Leslie
Davidson, Arthur (Accrington) Lomas, Kenneth Steele, Thomas (Dunbartonshire, W.)
Davies, Ednyfed Hudson (Conway) Loughlin, Charles Strauss, Rt. Hn. G. R.
Davies, Harold (Leek) Lyons, Edward (Bradford, E.) Swingler, Stephen
Davies, Ifor (Gower) Mabon, Dr. J. Dickson Symonds, J. B.
Dell, Edmund McBride, Neil Taverne, Dick
Dempsey, James McCann, John Thornton, Ernest
Dewar, Donald MacColl, James Tinn, James
Diamond, Rt. Hn. John Macdonald, A. H. Tuck, Raphael
Dickens, James McGuire, Michael Urwin, T. W.
Doig, Peter Mackenzie, Gregor (Rutherglen) Varley, Eric G.
Dunn, James A. Mackintosh, John P. Walker, Harold (Doncaster)
Dunnett, Jack Maclennan, Robert Wallace, George
Dunwoody, Mrs. Gwyneth (Exeter) McNamara, J. Kevin Watkins, David (Consett)
Dunwoody, Dr. John (F'th & C'b'e) Mahon, Peter (Preston, S.) Watkins, Tudor (Brecon & Radnor)
Edwards, Robert (Bilston) Mahon, Simon (Bootle) Wellbeloved, James
Edwards, William (Merioneth) Mallalieu,J.P.W.(Huddersfield,E.) Whitaker, Ben
Ellis, John Manuel, Archie White, Mrs. Eirene
English, Michael Marquand, David Whitlock, William
Evans, loan L. (Birm'h'm, Yardley) Mason, Rt. Hn. Roy Wilkins, W. A.
Faulds, Andrew Mayhew, Christopher Williams, Alan (Swansea, W.)
Fernyhough, E. Mendelson, J. J. Williams, Alan Lee (Hornchurch)
Fletcher, Raymond (Ilkeston) Millan, Bruce Williams, Mrs. Shirley (Hitchin)
Fletcher, Ted (Darlington) Miller, Dr. M. S. Williams, W. T. (Warrington)
Foot, Michael (Ebbw Vale) Milne, Edward (Blyth) Willis, Rt. Hn. George
Ford, Ben Molloy, William Wilson, Rt. Hn. Harold (Huyton)
Forrester, John Moonman, Eric Winnick, David
Fraser, John (Norwood) Morgan, Elystan (Cardiganshire) Woof, Robert
Freeson, Reginald Morris, Charles R. (Openshaw) Yates, Victor
Galpern, Sir Myer Moyle, Roland
Garrett, W. E. Neal, Harold TELLERS FOR THE NOES:
Gourlay,Harry Newens, Stan Mr. Alan Fitch and
Gray, Dr. Hugh (Yarmouth) Norwood, Christopher Mr. Joseph Harper.
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