HC Deb 26 March 1925 vol 182 cc634-9

I beg to ask the Prime Minister what is to be the business for next week, and, in relation to the Motion on the Paper for the suspension of the Eleven o'Clock Rule, would the right hon. Gentleman state what business he intends to dispose of to-night?


I will answer the second question first. The first part of the Motion was necessary because we had to take a Supply day for the Consolidated Fund Bill, and we are suspending the Eleven o'Clock Rule so that we may secure the Lords Amendments to the British Sugar (Subsidy) Bill. We propose to take no other business to-day besides the Consolidated Fund Bill.

The business for next week will be:

Monday, Administration of Justice Bill [Lords], Second Reading. Roads Improvement Bill, Second Reading. Valuation (Metropolis) Bill, Report and Third Reading. Northern Ireland Land Bill, Report and Third Reading. Imperial Institute (Money), Committee; and, if time permit, other Orders on the Paper.

Tuesday, British Empire Exhibition (Guarantee) Bill, Second Reading. Forestry Bill, Second Reading. Agricultural Returns Bill, Report and Third Reading. Importation of Pedigree Animals Bill, Report and Third Reading Army and Air Force (Annual) Bill, Second Reading. At 3.15 p.m., Private Members' Motions.

Wednesday, Army and Air Force (Annual) Bill, remaining stages. At 8.15 p.m., Private Members' Motions.

Thursday, we shall move Mr. Speaker cut of the Chair on Civil Service Estimates, and consider Class 1, Votes 8, 10, 9, 6, 7 and 4 in Committee.

Motion made, and Question put, That other Government Business have precedence this day of the Business of Supply, and that the Proceedings on Government Business be exempted from the provisions of the Standing Order (Sittings of the House)."—[The Prime Minister.]

The House divided: Ayes, 275; Noes, 137.

Division No. 64.] AYES. [3.45 p.m.
Acland-Troyte, Lieut.-Colonel Christie, J. A. Gault, Lieut.-Col. Andrew Hamilton
Agg-Gardner, Rt. Hon. Sir James T. Churchill, Rt. Hon. Winston Spencer Gee, Captain R.
Albery, Irving James Churchman, Sir Arthur C. Gilmour, Lt.-Col. Rt. Hon. Sir John
Alexander, E. E. (Leyton) Clarry, Reginald George Glyn, Major R. G. C.
Allen, J. Sandeman (L'pool, W. Derby) Clayton, G. C. Goff, Sir Park
Applin, Colonel R. V. K. Cobb, Sir Cyril Gower, Sir Robert
Ashley, Lt.-Col. Rt. Hon. Wilfrid W. Cockerill, Brigadier-General G. K. Grace, John
Ashmead-Bartlett, E. Colfox, Major Wm. Phillips Grant, J. A.
Astor, Maj. Hn. John J. (Kent, Dover) Cope, Major William Greene, W. P. Crawford
Atholl, Duchess of Couper, J. B. Greenwood, Rt. Hn. Sir H.(W'th's'w, E)
Baird, Rt. Hon. Sir John Lawrence Craig, Capt. Rt. Hon. C. C. (Antrim) Gretton, Colonel John
Baldwin, Rt. Hon. Stanley Craig, Ernest (Chester, Crewe) Grotrian, H. Brent
Balniel, Lord Craik, Rt. Hon. Sir Henry Guinness, Rt. Hon. Walter E.
Barclay-Harvey, C. M. Crook, C. W. Gunston, Captain D. W.
Beckett, Sir Gervase (Leeds, N.) Crooke, J. Smedley (Deritend) Hacking, Captain Douglas H.
Bennett, A. J. Crookshank, Col. C. de W. (Berwick) Hall, Capt. W. D'A. (Brecon & Rad.)
Bentinck, Lord Henry Cavendish- Crookshank, Cpt. H. (Lindsey, Gainsbro) Hammersley, S. S.
Berry, Sir George Cunliffe, Joseph Herbert Hanbury, C.
Betterton, Henry B. Curzon, Captain Viscount Hannon, Patrick Joseph Henry
Birchall, Major J. Dearman Daiziel, Sir Davison Harland, A.
Bird, E. R. (Yorks, W. R., Skipton) Davidson, J. (Hertf'd, Hemel Hempst'd) Hartington, Marquess of
Blades, Sir George Rowland Davies, A. V. (Lancaster, Royton) Harvey, G. (Lambeth, Kennington)
Blundell, F. N. Davies, Sir Thomas (Cirencester) Haslam, Henry C.
Boothby, R. J. G. Davison, Sir W. H. (Kensington, S.) Hawke, John Anthony
Bourne, Captain Robert Croft Doyle, Sir N. Grattan Headlam, Lieut.-Colonel C. M.
Bowyer, Capt. G. E. W. Drewe, C. Henderson, Capt. R. R. (Oxf'd, Henley)
Brass, Captain W. Eden, Captain Anthony Heneage, Lieut.-Col. Arthur P.
Briggs, J. Harold Edmondson, Major A. J. Henn, Sir Sydney H.
Briscoe, Richard George Edwards, John H. (Accrington) Hennessy, Major J. R. G.
Brittain, Sir Harry Ellis, R. G. Henniker-Hughan, Vice-Adm. Sir A.
Brocklebank, C. E. R. Elveden, Viscount Herbert, S. (York, N. R., Scar. & Wh'by)
Brooke, Brigadier-General C. R. I. England, Colonel A. Hilton, Cecil
Brown, Maj. D. C. (N'th'l'd., Hexham) Erskine, Lord (Somerset, Weston-s.-M.) Hogg, Rt. Hon Sir D. (St. Marylebone)
Brown, Brig.-Gen. H. C. (Berks, Newb'y) Erskine, James Malcolm Monteith Holbrook, Sir Arthur Richard
Buckingham, Sir H Evans, Captain A. (Cardiff, South) Holt, Capt. H. P.
Burgoyne, Lieut.-Colonel Sir Alan Everard, W. Lindsay Homan, C. W. J.
Burton, Colonel H. W. Fairfax, Captain J. G, Hope, Capt. A. O. J. (Warw'k, Nun.)
Cadogan, Major Hon. Edward Falle, Sir Bertram G. Hope, Sir Harry (Forfar)
Campbell, E. T. Fanshawe, Commander G. D. Hopkins, J. W. W.
Cautley, Sir Henry S. Fielden, E. B. Hopkinson, A. (Lancaster, Mossley)
Cayzer, Sir C. (Chester, City) Fleming, D. P. Howard, Captain Hon. Donald
Cazalet, Captain Victor A. Forrest, W. Hudson, Capt. A. U. M. (Hackney, N.)
Cecil, Rt. Hon. Sir Evelyn (Aston) Frece, Sir Walter de Hunter-Weston, Lt.-Gen. Sir Aylmer
Chadwick, Sir Robert Burton Fremantle, Lt.-Col. Francis E. Huntingfield, Lord
Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. N. (Ladywood) Ganzoni, Sir John Hurd, Percy A.
Charteris, Brigadier-General J. Gates, Percy Hurst, Gerald B.
Hutchison, G. A. Clark (Midl'n & P'bl's) Nall, Lieut.-Colonel Sir Joseph Smith-Carington, Neville W.
Jackson, Lieut.-Colonel Hon. F. S. Nelson, Sir Frank Smithers, Waldron
Jackson, Sir H, (Wandsworth, Cen'l) Neville, R. J. Somerville, A. A. (Windsor)
Jacob, A. E. Newman, Sir R. H. S. D. L. (Exeter) Sprot, Sir Alexander
James, Lieut.-Colonel Hon. Cuthbert Newton, Sir D. G. C. (Cambridge) Stanley, Col. Hon. G. F. (Will'sden, E.)
Joynson-Hicks, Rt. Hon. Sir William Nicholson, William G. (Petersfield) Stanley, Lord (Fylde)
Kennedy, A. R. (Preston) O'Connor, T. J. (Bedford, Luton) Stanley, Hon. O. F. G. (Westm'eland)
Kidd, J. (Linlithgow) Oman, Sir Charles William C. Steel, Major Samuel Strang
Kindersley, Major Guy M. Ormsby-Gore, Hon. William Stuart, Hon. J. (Moray and Nairn)
King, Captain Henry Douglas Pennefather, Sir John Styles, Captain H. Walter
Kinloch-Cooke, Sir Clement Penny, Frederick George Sugden, Sir Wilfrid
Lamb, J. Q. Percy, Lord Eustace (Hastings) Tasker, Major R. Inigo
Lane-Fox, Lieut.-Col. George R. Perkins, Colonel E. K. Templeton, W. P.
Lister, Cunliffe-, Rt. Hon. Sir Philip Peto, Basil E. (Devon, Barnstaple) Thompson, Luke (Sunderland)
Locker-Lampson, G. (Wood Green) Peto, G. (Somerset, Frome) Thomson, F. C. (Aberdeen, S.)
Locker-Lampson, Com. O. (Handsw'th) Philipson, Mabel Thomson, Sir W. Mitchell (Croydon, S.)
Loder, J. de V. Pownall, Lieut.-Colonel Assheton Tinne, J. A.
Looker, Herbert William Price, Major C. W. M. Titchfield, Major the Marquess of
Lord, Walter Greaves- Radford, E. A. Turton, Edmund Russborough
Lougher, L. Raine, W. Vaughan-Morgan, Col. K. P.
Lucas-Tooth, Sir Hugh Vere Ramsden, E. Waddington, R.
Lumley, L. R. Rawlinson, Rt. Hon. John Fredk. Peel Ward, Lt.-Col. A.L.(Kingston-on-Hull)
MacAndrew, Charles Glen Rawson, Alfred Cooper Warner, Brigadier-General W. W.
Macdonald, Capt. P. D. (I. of W.) Rees, Sir Beddoe Waterhouse, Captain Charles
Macdonald, R. (Glasgow, Cathcart) Reid, Capt. A. S. C. (Warrington) Watson, Rt. Hon. W. (Carlisle)
McDonnell, Colonel Hon. Angus Remnant, Sir James Wells, S. R.
MacIntyre, Ian Rhys, Hon. C. A. U. Wheler, Major Granville O. H.
McLean, Major A. Rice, Sir Frederick White, Lieut.-Colonel G. Dairymple
Macmillan, Captain H. Richardson, Sir P. W. (Sur'y, Ch'ts'y) Williams, Com. C. (Devon, Torquay)
McNeill, Rt. Hon. Ronald John Roberts, E. H. G. (Flint) Williams, C. P. (Denbigh, Wrexham)
Macquisten, F. A. Ropner, Major L. Williams, Herbert G. (Reading)
MacRobert, Alexander M. Ruggles-Brise, Major E. A. Wilson, Sir C. H. (Leeds, Central)
Maitland, Sir Arthur D. Steel- Russell, Alexander West (Tynemouth) Wilson, M. J. (York, N. R., Richm'd)
Makins, Brigadier-General E. Salmon, Major I. Windsor-Clive, Lieut.-Colonel George
Malone, Major P. B. Samuel, A. M. (Surrey, Farnham) Winterton, Rt. Hon. Earl
Manningham-Buller, Sir Mervyn Sandeman, A. Stewart Wise, Sir Fredric
Margesson, Captain D, Sanders, Sir Robert A. Womersley, W. J.
Marriott, Sir J. A. R. Sanderson, Sir Frank Wood, Rt. Hon. E. (York, W.R., Ripon)
Meller, R. J. Savery, S. S. Wood, E.(Chest'r, Stalyb'dge & Hyde)
Meyer, Sir Frank Shaw, R. G. (Yorks, W.R., Sowerby) Wood, Sir Kingsley (Woolwich, W.).
Milne, J. S. Wardlaw Straw, Lt.-Col. A.D Mc[...]. (Renfrew, W.) Woodcock, Colonel H. C.
Mitchell, S. (Lanark, Lanark) Shaw, Capt. W. W. (Wilts, Westb'y) Worthington-Evans, Rt. Hon. Sir L.
Mitchell, Sir W. Lane (Streatham) Simms, Dr. John M. (Co. Down) Yerburgh, Major Robert D. T.
Monsell, Eyres, Com. Rt. Hon. B. M. Sinclair, Col. T. (Queen's Univ., Belfst)
Moore-Brabazon, Lieut.-Col. J. T. C. Skelton, A. N. TELLERS FOR THE AYES.—
Morrison, H. (Wilts, Salisbury) Slaney, Major P. Kenyon Colonel Gibbs and Major Sir Harry
Morrison-Bell, Sir Arthur Clive Smith, R. W. (Aberd'n & Kinc'dine, C.) Barnston.
Adamson, Rt. Hon. W. (Fife, West) George, Rt. Hon. David Lloyd Lansbury, George.
Alexander, A. V. (Sheffield, Hillsbro') Gibbins, Joseph Lawson, John James
Ammon, Charles George Gillett, George M. Lee, F.
Attlee, Clement Richard Graham, D. M. (Lanark, Hamilton) Livingstone, A. M
Barker, G. (Monmouth, Abertillery) Greenall, T. Lowth, T.
Barnes, A. Greenwood, A. (Nelson and Colne) Mackinder, W.
Barr, J. Grenfell, D. R. (Glamorgan) Macpherson, Rt. Hon. James I.
Batey, Joseph Griffiths, T. (Monmouth, Pontypool) March, S.
Beckett, John (Gateshead) Groves, T. Maxton, James
Benn, captain Wedgwood (Leith) Grundy, T. W. Mond, Rt. Hon. Sir Alfred
Bromfield, William Guest, J. (York, Hemsworth) Montague, Frederick
Bromley, J. Hall, F. (York, W.R., Normanton) Morris, R. H.
Brown, James (Ayr and Bute) Hall, G. H. (Merthyr Tydvil) Morrison, R. C. (Tottenham, N.)
Buchanan, G. Hamilton, Sir R. (Orkney & Shetland) Murnin, H.
Buxton, Rt. Hon. Noel Hardie, George D. Naylor, T. E.
Cape, Thomas Harris, Percy A. Oliver, George Harold
Cluse, W. S. Hayday, Arthur Owen, Major G.
Clynes, Rt. Hon. John R. Hayes, John Henry Paling, W.
Collins, Sir Godfrey (Greenock) Henderson, Rt. Hon. A. (Burnley) Pethick-Lawrance, F. W.
Compton, Joseph Henderson, T. (Glasgow) Potts, John S.
Connolly, M. Hirst, G. H. Riley, Ben
Cove, W. G. Hirst, W. (Bradford, South) Ritson, J.
Cowan, D. M. (Scottish Universities) Hore-Belisha, Leslie Roberts, Rt. Hon. F.O.(W. Bromwich)
Crawfurd, H. E. Hudson, J. H. Huddersfield Robertson, J. (Lanark, Bothwell)
Dalton, Hugh Hutchison, Sir Robert (Montrose) Robinson, W. C.(Yorks, W. R., Elland)
Davies, Evan (Ebbw Vale) Jenkins, W. (Glamorgan, Neath) Rose, Frank H.
Davies, Rhys John (Westhoughton) John, William (Rhondda, West) Runciman, Rt. Hon. Walter
Day, Colonel Harry Johnston, Thomas (Dundee) Salter, Dr. Alfred
Dennison, R. Jones, J. J. (West Ham, Silvertown) Scrymgeour, E.
Dunnico, H Jones, Morgan (Caerphilly) Sexton, James
Edwards, C. (Monmouth, Bedwellty) Kennedy, T. Shaw, Rt. Hon. Thomas (Preston)
Fenby, T. D. Kenworthy, Lt.-Com. Hon. Joseph M. Shiels, Dr. Drummond
Fisher, Rt. Hon. Herbert A. L. Kenyon, Barnet Simon, Rt. Hon. Sir John
Garro-Jones, Captain G. M. Kirkwood, D. Sinclair, Major Sir A. (Caithness)
Sitch, Charles H. Thurtle, E. Whiteley, W.
Smillie, Robert Tinker, John Joseph Wignall, James
Smith, H. B. Lees (Keighley) Trevelyan, Rt. Hon. C. P. Williams, David (Swansea, E)
Smith, Rennie (Penistone) Varley, Frank B. Williams, Dr. J. H. (Llanelly)
Snell, Harry Viant, S. P. Williams, T. (York, Don Valley)
Snowden, Rt. Hon. Philip Wallhead, Richard C. Wilson, C. H. (Sheffield, Attercliffe)
Spencer, George A. (Broxtowe) Walsh, Rt. Hon. Stephen Wilson, R. J. (Jarrow)
Spoor, Rt. Hon. Benjamin Charles Watson, W. M. (Dunfermline) Windsor, Walter
Stamford, T. W. Watts-Morgan, Lt.-Col. D. (Rhondda) Wright, W.
Stephen, Campbell Webb, Rt. Hon. Sidney
Stewart, J. (St. Rollox) Wedgwood, Rt. Hon. Josiah TELLERS FOR THE NOES—
Sutton, J. E. Welsh, J. C. Mr. Allen Parkinson and Mr.
Taylor, R. A. Westwood, J. Warne.

Question, "That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment," put, and agreed to.