HC Deb 29 May 1922 vol 154 c1676
Captain CRAIG

Has the right hon. Gentleman any information to give to the House with regard to the position in Belfast and Ulster?


I have just received the following telegram from the Prime Minister of Northern Ireland (Sir James Craig): It is now confirmed that the police attacked near Bellek. Have one man killed and lost two Crossley tenders and one Lancia car. The driver of the first car was killed at the wheel, and his car swerved into the ditch, with the result that the other two cars could not get past and were exposed to intense rifle fire. All three cars had therefore to be abandoned. The Cullingtree Road Police Barracks, Belfast. was attacked at noon to-day by strong body of Sinn Fein gunmen, who poured a heavy fire into building. Three police were severely wounded, one feared mortally. The attack was ultimately beaten off.