HC Deb 22 May 1922 vol 154 cc813-4

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport whether the attention of his Department has been called to the urgent necessity of providing better approach roads to the docks of London; whether his Department has prepared or proposed any road improvement schemes to any of the road authorities concerned; and whether, in view of the necessity of providing work at the present time, his Department will call a conference of the authorities concerned with a view of improving all these roads as soon as possible?


The need for better approach roads to the London dock district is recognised, and various improvement schemes have been drafted. Discussions on the subject have been in progress for some time with the Port of London Authority and the local authorities concerned, and the. Ministry of Transport intend to pursue the matter in the hope of securing the collaboration of all interested parties in the promotion of measures designed to relieve the present congestion and delay.

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