HC Deb 18 May 1922 vol 154 cc532-3
49. Sir W. de FRECE

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office what recognition is being made to the temporary unestablished civilians attached to the Royal Engineers in Ireland whose connection with his Department and whose employment are now being terminated as a result of the Southern Irish settlement; whether he is aware that some have been employed for many years and made their homes in Ireland and are yet now cast adrift; whether he will investigate especially the case of Henry S. Noakes, surveyor, thus discharged after nearly 20 years' service; and whether, in view of the recent establishment of several other temporary unestablished staffs, such as health, valuation, and dockyards, a similar procedure can be followed in the case of these men attached for so long to the Royal Engineers?

The FINANCIAL SECRETARY to the WAR OFFICE (Lieut.-Colonel Stanley)

The position of War Department employés in Southern Ireland whose services are no longer required in con sequence of the change of Government, including those in the Royal Engineer services, is still under consideration, and I hope that a decision will not be long delayed. Steps have already been taken in the case of certain classes of employés of the Royal Engineers who have served continuously since before the War to effect transfer to other commands where vacancies can be found. As regards the case of Mr. Noakes, whilst the Department would naturally wish to assist him if possible, I understand he desires employment under the Free State Government and I am not aware whether that Government is in a position to offer him employment. His last period of service under the War Department, which was on a purely temporary basis, dated from April, 1919, only. As regards the last part of the question, proposals for the establishment of certain classes of Royal Engineer employés in the War Department service generally are being investigated through the War Office Whitley Council machinery.