HC Deb 17 May 1922 vol 154 cc344-5
43. Mr. T. THOMSON

asked the Minister of Health if, having regard to the injury to public health caused by the close proximity of stables to dwelling-houses, he will either sanction local bye-laws or amend the Public Health Acts so that local authorities can object to the erection of stables in close proximity to dwelling-houses in congested area?


Local authorities can regulate, through bye-laws, the space about stables which are to be erected. There is no similar power as regards existing buildings converted into stables, and the question of legislation on this matter will be borne in mind when opportunity offers.


Is the right hon. Baronet aware that serious ill-health results from this congestion, and how long does he propose to wait until the local authorities have power to remedy this state of things?


I have pointed out that the conversion of existing buildings is a question of legislation. My hon. Friend is as well aware as am of the difficulty of getting fresh legislation through this House at present.