HC Deb 16 May 1922 vol 154 cc242-3

Mr. JOHN WILLIAM WILSON reported from the Chairmen's Panel: That they had appointed Mr. Turton to act as Chairman of Standing Committee A (in respect of the Chartered Associations (Protection of Names and Uniforms) Bill [Lords], the Bread Acts Amendment Bill, and the Gaming Bill [Lords]); Sir Hal-ford Mackinder as Chairman of Standing Committee B (in respect of the Lunacy Bill [Lords] and the Canals (Continuance of Charging Powers) Bill); Mr. William Nicholson as Chairman of Standing Committee B (in respect of the Constabulary (Ireland) Bill); Sir William Pearce as Chairman of the Standing Committee on Scottish Bills (in respect of the Whale Fisheries (Scotland) (Amendment) Bill); and Mr. Rendall as Chairman of Standing Committee C (in respect of the Law of Property Bill [Lords]).

Report to lie upon the Table.