HC Deb 16 May 1922 vol 154 cc232-4
59. Mr. MALONE

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what were the reasons for increasing the cost of the OFFICIAL REPORT of the proceedings of this House from 3d. to 1s.; whether he is aware that this action is widely resented 'by many persons who, in view of the curtailed reports printed in newspapers, prefer to read the accounts as published officially; that the extra cost presses particularly on small provincial newspapers, political organisations, societies, and other bodies; whether the free copies to Members are charged to the House of Commons Vote, and the copies to Government Departments to the Votes of those Departments; and whether, in view of the fact that the remainder cannot be expected to be sold at an economic figure to cover all these charges, and in view of the desirability of not placing any restrictions upon the circulation of the deliberations of Parliament, he will take steps to arrange for the cost to be reduced to a more reasonable figure?


I have been asked to reply. As regards the first three parts of the question, I would refer the hon. Member to the replies I gave to the hon. and gallant Member for Torquay and the hon. Member for the Bother Valley Division of Yorkshire on the 14th February last. The answer to the fourth part of the question is in the negative the cost of free copies being borne on the Vote for Stationery and Printing. The suggestion in the last part of the question that the copies placed on sale are priced at a figure calculated to cover the cost of free issues is incorrect; the price fixed covers only the proportionate cost of the copies offered for sale. In these circumstances, I regret that I am unable to consider a reduction in price until it is justified by a fall in production costs.


Was the matter referred to the Publications and Debates Reports Committee and, if not, may I ask Mr. Speaker whether this should not have been done?


I am afraid I could not say off-hand. Perhaps the hon. Member will give me notice.

66. Mr. FOOT

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether the decision to raise the price of the OFFICIAL REPORT was at any time submitted to this House for its approval; and if he will state the number of copies circulated gratuitously daily and the number of copies sold?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the negative. The average number of copies of the OFFICIAL REPORT of Debates of the House of Commons circulated gratuitously is 1,700 and the average number of copies sold daily is 800.


Ought not this question to he referred to the Publications and Debates Reports Committee under the Standing Orders of the House?


I think the decision on this matter rests with the Treasury, but I was informed that the Committee did propose to make certain inquiries.


As member of the Publications and Debates Repots Committee, may I may we have considered this matter and are going to consider it again.


What is the average number of copies sold at the increased price?


If the hon. Member will put down a question, I shall be glad to get the information.


On what Vote can this matter be discussed?


It is a little difficult to say. I should like an opportunity of considering it. No doubt there is one particular Vote on which questions of this sort can be discussed, and that is the salary of the Treasury Minister.


Does it not come on the Stationery Vote?


No doubt.

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