HC Deb 16 May 1922 vol 154 cc222-3

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether, in view of the fact that in the recent Government competition for designs of petrol tanks for use in aircraft, the first and second prizes were awarded to rubber-covered anti-fire safety tanks, he will consider the desirability of the use of rubber-covered tanks being enforced for commercial aeroplanes where the risk of fire and loss of life occurring after a crash is as great as with service aeroplanes?

Mr. PARKER (for Captain Guest)

My right hon. Friend agrees that the adoption of some form of safety tank is most desirable, and the Air Ministry is fully alive to the importance of the question. There are, however, practical difficulties in the way of enforcing the use of either the rubber-covered or other fire-proof tanks at present. In the interests of both service and commercial aviation, the whole question is being closely watched.


Is it not possible for the Air Ministry to put a certain amount of pressure on users of commercial aeroplanes, in view of the fact that, as I am informed, the Air Ministry make a subvention or subsidy to them?


I will convey the hon. Member's remark to my right hon. Friend.