HC Deb 11 May 1922 vol 153 c2365
26. Mr. MALONE

asked the Prime Minister when it is intended to bring before this House the legislation necessary to ratify the treaties concluded at Washington, namely, the treaty for the limitation of armaments of 6th February, 1922, the treaty for the protection of the lives of neutrals and non-combatants in time of war, etc., of 6th February, 1922, the Quadruple Pacific treaty of 13th December, 1921, the Nine-Power treaty, and the Chinese customs tariff treaty, as provided for in Articles XXIV, VI, IV, IX, and X of these treaties, respectively; whether separate Bills will be introduced for each treaty; whether Japan and the United States of America have already ratified these treaties; and what is the reason for the delay of His Majesty's Government in ratifying these treaties?


Legislation will be necessary for the purpose of giving effect to certain of the provisions of the Treaty for the limitation of naval armament, and the Treaty for the protection of the lives of neutrals and non-combatants. A Bill will be introduced as soon as the state of business permits. The other Treaties do not involve legislation. The United States Senate has advised the ratification of the Treaties, but ratifications have not yet been deposited by any of the signatory Powers.