HC Deb 11 May 1922 vol 153 c2366
30. Colonel NEWMAN

asked the Lord Privy Seal whether he has been able to transmit to the British delegation at Genoa the fact that the people of this country are opposed to the grant of a money subsidy, cither by way of a direct loan or under the guise of a State-subsidised trade facilities agreement, to the Communist Government of Russia; and is he able to say that the Russian Government has already been made aware of this fact by the British delegation?


His Majesty's Government have made it perfectly clear that they are not prepared to make a loan to the Soviet Government. The character of the proposals, which they are prepared to make to Parliament, will be seen by reference to the Memorandum sent to the Russian representatives at Genoa on 3rd May. This document has been laid, and copies will, I hope, be available in the Vote Office to-morrow.

Lieut.-Colonel ARCHER-SHEE

With reference to the Prime Minister's recent speech at Genoa, in which he stated he was going down with the sinking ship, can the right hon. Gentleman say whether that ship was the Coalition or European peace?


I do not know of any such statement.


Will the right hon. Gentleman give us an assurance that not only is no direct loan to be made to the Soviet Government, but that we shall not do it in any indirect form, such as by granting a credit.


That is a question which requires a definition.