HC Deb 09 May 1922 vol 153 cc1990-1
34. Dr. MURRAY

asked the Secretary for Scotland whether he can specify the farms in North Uist and South Uist, respectively, for which application has been made for purposes of land settlement for ex-service men and others, and on which no settlement has been made; how many applicants there are in these cases, and whether the Board of Agriculture have definitely refused the applications?


As the answer to the question is necessarily lengthy, and involves considerable detail, I propose, with my hon. Friend's permission to circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

The following is the answer:

The farms in North Uist for which application has been made and on which no settlement has yet been effected are as follows: Newton and Cheesebay, Clachan and Vallaquie, Cleat and Ormsay, and Trumisgarry. Negotiations in respect of schemes of settlement on these farms have reached an advanced stage. Eval and Lurinish, and Vallay and Griminish. These farms are not available for settlement under the Small Landholders Act, 1911, except by agreement. Sixty-eight applications for new holdings on these farms, including 33 from ex-service men, and 26 applications for enlargements of existing holdings, have been received by the Board of Agriculture for Scotland.

In South Uist holdings have been applied for, but settlements have not been effected, on the following farms: Nunton, Nunton Hill, Drimsdale and Drimore. The lease of Nunton does not expire until Whitsunday, 1927, and Nunton Hill, is not available for settlement under the Act of 1911 except by agreement. Drimsdale and Drimore have been taken over by the Board and a scheme of settlement which will give early entry to holders is now in preparation. In respect of these farms 69 applications for new holdings, including 55 from ex-service men, and 77 applications for enlargements of existing holdings have been received by the Board. The answer to the last part of the question is in the negative.

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