HC Deb 08 May 1922 vol 153 cc1785-6
37. Captain W. BENN

asked the Lord Privy Seal whether, on 26th April, 1917, or at any other date, a pledge was given by or on behalf of the then Government that the cattle embargo should be removed?


The statements made by Lord Ernie when Minister of Agriculture will be found in Command Paper 8566 of 1917. Lord Ernie gave his explanation of these statements and of his subsequent action in a speech in another place on the 25th March, 1920. I think if the hon. and gallant Member will be good enough to refer to these documents they will give him the information he wants.

Captain BENN

Does the statement made by the Minister of Agriculture on Saturday represent the Government view on the question?


Does not the right hon. Gentleman consider that what was said to the Canadian Government was a pledge that, after the War, the embargo would be removed?


The statement was made by Lord Ernie, and the conditions under which he made it, and those, upon the supposed realisation of which, he was acting, have been explained by him in a speech in another place, and also, I think, in a letter to "The Times." I do not think it would be convenient for me to make observations on the subject at Question time.

Captain BENN

Will the right hon. Gentleman answer my question—whether the statement made by the Minister of Agriculture on Saturday represents the view of the Government.


I have not read my right hon. Friend's speech.