HC Deb 29 March 1922 vol 152 c1343
96. Mr. HANNON

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he can give any detailed information regarding the formation of the German-Russian Transport Company, which it is understood has been formed between the Russian Government and the Hamburg-Amerika Line; whether this company is allied to the American-Harriman group in the United States; and whether its formation provides direct facilities for the development of Russo-America trade via Germany?


I have no information as to the constitution of this company beyond what has appeared in the Press, which is to the effect that its capital is owned, as to one half, by the Soviet Government, as to one quarter, by the Hamburg America Line, and, as to the remaining quarter, by the Harriman group. It is to be presumed that the creation of the company is intended to facilitate trade between Russia and America, via Germany.