HC Deb 23 March 1922 vol 152 c641
6. Colonel NEWMAN

asked the Chief Secretary how many lapsed subscribers to the Constabulary Force Fund are still alive; and if he will undertake that these men who ceased to subscribe through inability to pay will be considered when the above fund is under consideration on 31st instant, as most of these men could not pay on account of their small pensions?


I am not aware of any cases in which subscribers to the Constabulary Force Fund have ceased to subscribe through inability to pay. The subscription of a pensioner is made by the deduction of 1 per cent. from his pension. The usual ground upon which a subscriber has this deduction discontinued is that he has survived until he has no dependants who could benefit from the fund. The man himself has no claim upon the fund which is designed to assist his dependants in the event of his death.